TON as soon as stood for "Telegram Open Network," all the same has modified its identify to replicate the electronic messaging large's departure from the blockchain project. The project will only be often called "The Open Network" going ahead.
Telegram formally terminated its involvement in Telegram Open Network in mid-May 2020. Although Telegram's model of TON is not shifting ahead, it has given rise to different tasks like Free TON and NewTON.
The identify change was deliberate from the start
TON's white book discovered that the project's identify has two all different meanings - "Telegram Open Network," and "The Open Network".
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Revealed in early 2019, the 23-page white book reads:
"By 2021 the first TON vision and computer computer architecture will have been enforced and deployed. TON will then relinquish of the "Telegram" aspect in its identify and develop into "The Open Network". From then on, the continual evolution of the TON Blockchain shall be maintained by the TON Foundation."
"The Open Network" rebrand is efficient instantly
Telegram Open Network was first of all designed by Telegram CTO and co-founder Nikolai Durov, working aboard his brother (and Telegram CEO), Pavel Durov. With Telegram abandoning the project, the corporate's identify and involvement in each aspect of TON disappears.
In a May 12 assertion, Pavel Durov explicitly acknowledged that different TON-based tasks don't have anything to do with Telegram:
"You may see - or may have already seen - sites exploitation my name or the Telegram brand or the "TON" abbreviation to advertise their tasks. [...] While networks primarily supported the expertise we constructed for TON could seem, we gained't have any tie-up with them and are unlikely to ever help them in any approach."
Same expertise, all different networks
Prior to Durov's announcement, an impartial group of package program builders referred to as the Free TON group launched the "Free TON Blockchain" on May 7. Despite utilizing the unique system structure designed by Nikolai Durov, the Free TON Blockchain is a altogether all different community with its personal tokens. They are often called TON Crystals, or TONs.
A Free TON adviser defined to Cointelegraph that "Telegram Open Network" and "The Open Network" check with the identical expertise, all the same all different networks.
Telegram didn't reply to Cointelegraph's request to remark by press time. This clause shall be up up to now if any new info comes by.