Recent Headline in the Daily Mail - "What IS the Point of Saving?"

As the Daily Mail headline shouted - "What is the point of Saving"- let's take a closer look at what the fuss was all about in all the papers recently, and what can be done to create a more fair and rewarding playing field for savers. Bear in mind I am no qualified investment person, but I do have experience in making money out of Forex Trading, and back in 2006, saw the massive opportunity to use gold bullion price changes, to make a lot of money.

If you look at the NS&I web site, you will see that they advertise this as being "A Piece of Cake", and "Open Your Account with just £1, Enjoy Easy Access to your Savings", but let's look at some cold hard facts.

If you are a saver who regularly saves say £100 per month in this scheme, with an annual return of 1.5%, for every £1,000 invested over 12 months, you will get paid interest of £15.

But, with inflation eating into the spending value of your money at around 2% per annum, your £1,000 in savings will actually lose around £20 of its spending power, so your "savings plan" in reality made a loss of £5.

Looking into this in more detail, we know from The Telegraph recently, that there are millions of savers in this scheme, so let's assume that there are at least 100,000 subscribers who also save £1,000 or more per annum. I make that around £100 million.

At Government level that sum could easily be traded on the Currency markets, and I understand there are some such Trades that could pay out up to 100% every 90 days. (See above on my own rewarding Forex experience, and that was using just a few hundred pounds as my stake money).

The trouble with virtually any savings scheme that is based on any "FIAT" currency, is that its value is based on nothing other than promises from the Government that issued it (such as The Pound, Dollar Euro etc) and as such, is constantly being devalued due to constant inflation.

However, if you were to exchange some of your FIAT currency for Gold Bullion on a regular basis, I believe that would paint a totally different picture. Look at some figures below, which shows what happened to gold bullion prices between 2000 and 2021.

Between the beginning and end of 2006, Gold went up in value from £9.78 per gram, to £10.17 which was when I first started getting involved in Forex Trading and made a KILLING trading in Gold, unlike my disastrous property investment activities at that time, due to all btl mortgages becoming deregulated.

By the end of 2021, the price of a gram of gold had reached £38,89.

At least with Gold, YOU can decide at what value you sell it, if the price is not right for you, don't sell until it is. (Or only sell what you need to survive).

If, instead of investing £100 per month with NI&S, you had signed up for a FREE account with something like Karatbars, and decided to exchange £100 of your inflation-ridden "FIAT" currency into 2.5 grams of Gold Bullion, at the end of the year you would own approximately 30 grams of gold. Even if the value was slightly less after 12 months, you know that its historical trend will always eventually be UP.

Now, if I may dare mention the words "Network Marketing", and you believe that all network marketing opportunities are a Pyramid, or a Ponzi rip-off scam, then please read no more. (If you are still here) - I think you can see, the massive advantage of exchanging some of your "FIAT" currency, for gold bullion.

If you find that saving in Gold Bullion turns out to be very beneficial to your wealth, and because it doesn't cost anything to become a customer in this savings opportunity then what is wrong with telling your friends, family, and business partners about it? After all, you are not "selling" them anything, you are just sharing your good fortune.

As long as you are participating in this saving scheme yourself (putting YOUR money where your mouth is), why not help everyone you know, to do the same? And then why not use some more of your FIAT currency to upgrade from just a "customer", to becoming an "Independent Affiliate" of one of the various companies that offer this service,

As an independent Karatbars affiliate, when you get your friends and family involved in this network marketing opportunity - where you are not selling anything - just getting your contact to do as you, and exchange as much inflation-riddled Fiat currency as you can afford into gold bullion - it is a win win for all concerned.

Also, when making your selection, make sure the company you go for has also got its own gold-backed Crypto currency. Like many other people, when Bitcoin was launched, back in 2009, even though they were being sold for a few dollars each, having burnt my fingers with property investing back in 2007 I considered it with suspicion, and walked away from what was probably the biggest opportunity of a lifetime.

These new-fangled coins were selling last year at around $20,000 EACH, and they were not even Gold-Backed. So, think of the opportunity, if a new, unique gold-backed crypto coin was released into the marketplace.

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